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Copy of DIY Maths: Getting the most out of DIY Maths


How to get the most out of DIY Maths

  • If you can, keep a journal just for maths.
  • Work through all the resources on the page from top to bottom. Take notes and try problems as you go. As you finish each activity, write about what you learned in your journal.
  • If you find that you don't quite understand the concepts, use the search terms in the orange box on the righthand side of the page to search for more information.
  • If you need assistance, you can get online 24/7 help at SOS Math (link in purple box on right), you can talk to your instructor, or you can make an appointment at any of Unitec's learning development centres (also listed in the purple box). If you've kept a journal, bring it to your appointment.

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