"American psychological association" by Neha Nagaraj is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
A Thesis Statement:
EX: "X has made a significant impact on the teenage population due to its . . ."
A Purpose Statement:
EX: "This paper examines . . ."
Bias-Free Language is important in writing. There are specific guidelines about inclusivity and respect when discussing gender.
“When referring to individuals whose identified pronouns are not known or when the gender of a generic or hypothetical person is irrelevant within the context, use the singular “they” to avoid making assumptions about an individual’s gender. Use the forms “they,” “them,” “theirs,” and so forth.”
APA Style. (2019, September). Gender. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/bias-free-language/gender
Writers typically use APA style for social sciences, which uses an OBJECTIVE TONE with a purpose statement rather than a thesis statement. Objective writing is often referred to as "academic writing." Textbooks are a great example of what the objective tone looks like in writing.
The Objective tone is: